The Tao Te Ching is a classic body of work written by Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu in the 6th century B.C. The Tao holds words of wisdom & spiritual enlightenment within it's 81 verses. It guides the student & teacher alike with a moral structure known as, The Great Integrity.

Verse 16 Tranquility

Allow the heart to empty itself of all turmoil!
Retrieve the utter tranquility of mind
from which you issued.

Although all forms are dynamic,
and we all grow and transform,
each of us is compelled to return to our root.
Our root is quietude.

To fully return to our root is to be enlightened.
Never to experience tranquility is to act blindly,
a sure path to disaster.

To know tranquility is to embrace all.
To embrace all is to be just.
Justice is the foundation for wholeness.
Wholeness is the Great Integrity.
The Great Integrity is the infinite fulfilling itself.

"The Tao Te Ching, A New Translation"
By: Ralph Alan Dale
ISBN: 0-7607-4998-1