The Tao Te Ching is a classic body of work written by Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu in the 6th century B.C. The Tao holds words of wisdom & spiritual enlightenment within it's 81 verses. It guides the student & teacher alike with a moral structure known as, The Great Integrity.

Verse 36 Too Much Invites Disaster

What becomes overexpanded becomes diminished.
What is too strong becomes weakend.
What is too high is cut down.
What is overpossessed becomes impoverished.

It is in the nature of process that in the final stages,
those who are overextended,
overharmed and overprivileged,
shall overcome.

Disaster stalks the fish
which swims up from its deep water home,
and the army which threatens to conquer
those beyond its own borders.

“The Tao Te Ching, A New Translation”
By: Ralph Alan Dale
ISBN: 0-7607-4998-1