The Tao Te Ching is a classic body of work written by Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu in the 6th century B.C. The Tao holds words of wisdom & spiritual enlightenment within it's 81 verses. It guides the student & teacher alike with a moral structure known as, The Great Integrity.

Verse 49 Wisdom

Wise people are not absorbed
in their own needs.
They take the needs of all people as their own.

They are good to the good,
But they are also good to those
who are still absorbed in their own needs.

Because goodness is in the very nature
of the Great Integrity.

Wise people trust
those who trust.
But they also trust those who do not trust.

Because trusting is in the very nature
of the Great Integrity.

Wise people merge with all others
rather than stand apart judgmentally.
In this way, all begin to open their ears and hearts,
more prepared to return to the innocence of childhood.

“The Tao Te Ching, A New Translation”
By: Ralph Alan Dale
ISBN: 0-7607-4998-1