The Tao Te Ching is a classic body of work written by Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu in the 6th century B.C. The Tao holds words of wisdom & spiritual enlightenment within it's 81 verses. It guides the student & teacher alike with a moral structure known as, The Great Integrity.
Verse 70 So Easy to Understand and Practice!
The Great Integrity is so easy to understand,
and so easy to practice.
Yet it is not understood.
Nor is it practiced.
It is not understood
because people's heads are filled
with 10,000 trivia and rationalizations,
leaving no space for anything else.
It is not practiced because people are kept busy, though bored,
with the 10,000 corruptions and miseries
that leave no time for the Three Treasures.
The Great Integrity is so ancient,
as old as the universe itself!
How can we expect people to remember it
after so many millennia of repression?
That is why
sages dress in rags
while they wear the Three Treasures
deep inside their hearts.
“The Tao Te Ching, A New Translation”
By: Ralph Alan Dale
ISBN: 0-7607-4998-1